Welcome to the Tarot Basics Course
My name is Jessica and I’m really excited you’re choosing tarot because it’s my favorite thing to talk about. I created this course because I knew there were others in the world that wanted simple, clear information about this beautiful system. I had a lot of questions when I started and I wish someone had told me what I’m sharing here with you. You will notice that I am not using a tradition deck for my teachings and the reason behind this decision is because I wanted to create straightforward videos and content that allows you to gain the most understanding with the least complexity. You have everything you need within to be the best, most intuitive reader.
Let’s get started and thank you so much for choosing me to guide you!
— Jessica Mazzo, creator of Tarot Basics

Getting Grounded

Below is a quick video that describes how to set the tone for each reading. I believe that setting your intention to trust yourself + the Universal Flow is important because it shows care and respect to yourself and using tarot!


Simple and Easy Grounding Meditation

Shuffling + Pulling Cards
Now that you have an idea of grounding it’s time to play! So, grab your deck and remember that practice makes confidence flow. The next video is about shuffling and pulling cards. There are many methods and overall I believe you know what’s best for you. Let’s get started!

The Suits + Elements

Now let’s take a look at the 4 different suits in tarot. Each suit offers a different perspective because it has special qualities and shows us how to play with + combine earthly and spiritual practices so we can boost our manifestation process. Each suit shows us how to use various elements to our advantage all while gaining self mastery and confidence in who we are at a soul level.


Quick Reference Guide


Numerology is a system within Tarot that helps frame the vibration you may be in, may be seeking to be in, or shedding. I’ve created a little cheat sheet of quick references for you to start from so that you can easily interpret the numerical information. No number is better or worse than another. Each hold their own message and meaning.


Numerology Reference Guide

Below are videos of how to interpret each number + element within the minor arcana. I’ve kept these videos short and sweet. Remember that repetition creates mastery and I know you’ll have the numbers and meanings down in no time. Take all the pressure off yourself about being perfect and trust your skills.
Let’s dive in!

The Court Cards Introduction

I’ve created a one stop video including all the court cards + their related elements so you can easily understand their teachings and invitations within the Minor Arcana. Each card has a special meaning and represents a higher level of mastery than the aces through tens. Let’s begin!


Quick Reference Guide

The Major Arcana Introduction
The Major Arcana is a total of 21 cards and totally unique because it teaches us how to expand from a singular perspective to a universal one. Each card has a video and you’ll notice I’ve divided them over 3 lines. In the journey of the majors we learn how to boldly create, manifest our dreams, and allow life challenges to bring us closer to ourselves and the essence of our soul. Let’s begin!

Line One - Major Arcana

Line one is made up of The Fool to The Chariot and is focused on the material plane and consciousness. Here we learn about the outer world and our dealings with society, along with what is and is not aligned for our personal growth.

Line Two - Major Arcana

Line Two is made up of Strength to Temperance and is concerned with the mental plane and our search for self-knowledge. Here we become less concerned with our earthly possessions and turn our attention to understanding the subconscious mind and who we really are.

Line Three - Major Arcana

Line Three is made up of The Devil to The World and focuses on the spiritual plane and enlightenment. Here we invited into the superconscious and are taught how to develop spiritual awareness so that life can lived from the highest level of fulfillment and joy.

New Addition!


Congratulations! You’ve completed the Tarot Basics Course. I hope you have a more grounded and clear understanding of this beautiful system and find it beneficial to use. Thank you for choosing me to guide you. I am honored and sending you love, light, enjoyment, and peace on your journey.

— Jessica Mazzo